Gangs of Nuke York
28mm Post Apocalyptic skirmish game.
We are in the process of writing, testing and making art work for 28mm our Post apocalyptic rulebook for our game Gangs of Nuke York. Keep checking out this site and page for updates of fluff, design concepts and ideas. Oh - and feel free to contact us regarding things you might want to see in the game or how we could develop it in anyway further.
In the meantime here are a few pieces of art work for the book itself - hope you like them.

Leader of the Tub of Blood Bunch gang. A remote controlled flesh golem powered by a small nuclear reactor and coolant system. This hulk of metal and flesh is created by only the most skilled flesh engineers.

Once the basics are learned, a controller is given the opportunity within the gang to experiment with larger forms and complex mechanical components. The bodies of lumbering pit and power slaves, bulks and failed prize fighters are sewn together with weapons and machinery only they could carry such as huge steam waste cannons to tree splitter's.

Newbies to the gang have to learn how to combine and create life from scratch. From the decomposing remains of those who have failed to survive the city and the salvageable scrap and components that are found or traded their journey to agitator begins here...

Leader of the Tub of Blood Bunch gang. A remote controlled flesh golem powered by a small nuclear reactor and coolant system. This hulk of metal and flesh is created by only the most skilled flesh engineers.
Tub of Blood Bunch

Their seem to be no limitations as to how radioactive enhancements can be combined with varying living tissues, minerals and even vegetables. Cabbages and button mushrooms should however be avoided.

An obvious result of the long term misuse of radioactive enhancement materials. Used correctly and the body and mind can form correctly and perform in truly miraculous ways.

Their seem to be no limitations as to how radioactive enhancements can be combined with varying living tissues, minerals and even vegetables. Cabbages and button mushrooms should however be avoided.
Swamp Angels
Dead Rabbits

All are equal in the Dead Rabbits, regardless of age, sex, size or looks. All aim to be leader one day, or run gangs of their own but all would put their lives on the line for their brothers or sisters first.

A good gang leader will equip all members of their gang accordingly - depending on the job at hand that is. Be it taking out an enemy, assassinating an election candidate or teasing the milk man please BE PREPARED.

Notorious for "starting them early" as they put it, the Dead Rabbits celebrate the Juvenile thugs and their actions whom they take under their wings with a passion.

All are equal in the Dead Rabbits, regardless of age, sex, size or looks. All aim to be leader one day, or run gangs of their own but all would put their lives on the line for their brothers or sisters first.

Nuke York Law Enforcement's agitants are heavy duty cops controlled at times from Enforcement labs and offices (ELO's). When not on AI pilot they are patrolling the city, arresting thugs and criminals and protecting the weak. Unless their controllers are corrupt then they are cracking skulls for fun, taking bribes or looking the other way!

Nuke York Law Enforcement's agitants are heavy duty cops controlled at times from Enforcement labs and offices (ELO's). When not on AI pilot they are patrolling the city, arresting thugs and criminals and protecting the weak. Unless their controllers are corrupt then they are cracking skulls for fun, taking bribes or looking the other way!